Cucumis - Сервіс безкоштовного перекладу онлайн
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Всі переклади - Merito_hr

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Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст.
Англійська Before you as an applicant start answering the...
Before you as an applicant start answering the questions in our application form we would just like to make it clear that it´s important that you make an effort to give us all the answers we might want to get out of these questions. An application that we see is written in 5 minutes will be rejected. If you cant put some time and effort into writing an application how can we trust you to put time and effort into wipenights and progressing?

Завершені переклади
Болгарська Преди Вие, като кандидат,